Being an intermediate link between the automobile consumers and the manufacturers, automobile sales and service network faces the same challenges of the changeable market. 汽车销售服务网站作为连接汽车消费市场和汽车制造商的中间环节,同样面临着不断变化的市场竞争态势。
Land converts from rural to urban areas in the market mechanism, the participators includes predevelopment landowners, intermediate actors, final consumers and market coordinator. 在土地市场发育充分的国家,农地城市流转主要是通过市场机制来运作。其市场行为人主要有四类人:前土地所有者、中间人、最终消费者和市场协调者。
This new mode of sale promotes the direct transaction between consumers and manufactures, which could save the intermediate costs and realize the win-win results between consumers and manufactures. 这种新的销售模式实现了消费者与厂商之间的直接交易,节约了中间成本,成就了消费者与厂商之间的双赢。
As an important part of intermediate links, retail industry connects commodity suppliers and consumers. It produces great influence on economy efficiency, social welfare, employment and environmental protection. 零售业作为流通环节的重要组成部分,一方面连接生产厂商,另一方面连接消费者,在提高经济效率,提升社会福利,促进就业,推进节能环保等方面作用显著。
At present, a lot of previous studies have confirmed that the most biomass of zooplankton was contributed by macrozooplankton. Also many studies have revealed the intermediate linking role of macrozooplankton between primary producers and higher level consumers. 目前,许多科学研究已经证实大型浮游动物是河口浮游动物中主要的生物量组成部分,而且也是初级生产者和较高营养级消费者之间非常关键的中间联系。
Has changed the traditional pattern of circulation of commodities, reducing the intermediate links, producers and consumers can deal directly. 改变了传统的商品流通模式,减少了中间环节,生产者和消费者可以直接交易。